In this interview, Casals discusses her past and current work, her interest in integrating robots with humans, and her collaboration with companies and other non-academic institutions, and the challenges that come with it. She also gives advice to prospective students who are interested in the robotics field and her efforts in recruiting more women to the field of robotics.
In this interview, Ambrose discusses his Ph.D. work and NASA projects, focusing on his developments in the field of human-robot cooperation. He also briefly discusses his initial interest in engineering and the future of robotics.
In this interview, Jodi Forlizzi discusses her early involvement with robotics and her eventual career in human-robot interaction. She outlines her work at UPenn and CMU, as well as her involvement in various projects and companies. Commenting on the many challenges and breakthroughs throughout her career, she reflects on the evolution and future of the field as a whole.
In this interview, Inoue discusses his career in the field of robotics, focusing on his graduate research and his work at the ETL and the University of Tokyo. Recounting his early interest in engineering and robotics, he outlines his involvement in several robotics projects, including development of a robot arm and intelligent robots. He comments on the state of robotics labs and funding in Japan and in America, reflects on the challenges of robotics, and provides advice to young people interested in the field.
In this interview, Hagita discusses his work in robotics, with a focus on human-robot interaction, agent systems and networked robots, visual perception, and pattern recognition and learning. He recounts his robotics work at various research laboratories, such as Steven Palmer’s lab at UC Berkeley, and his time and contributions at NTT and ATR. He reflects on the influences and successes of his career, his involvement in creating the IRC and Media Information Lab at ATR, and the collaborations on various projects (such as Robovie and RFID tags). Additionally he comments on the evolution and difficulties of robotics, and provides advice to young people interested in the field.
Bajscy is currently Professor of Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences and Director Emeritus of the Center for Information Technology Research in the Interest of Science (CITRIS) at the University of California, Berkeley. There she continues to do innovative research on machine perception, robotics and artificial intelligence, winning the 2009 Benjamin Franklin Medal in Computer and Cognitive Science for her recent work.
In this interview, Kiseler discusses her career in robotics, focusing on anthropomorphic robots, human-robot interaction, and cognitive and social design. Describing her involvement with projects such as Pearl, she goes on to describe her involvement in organizing and developing the HRI conferences. She reflects on her transition from social psychology and computer interaction to human-robot interaction, and comments on its relationship to human psychology and its future development.
In this interview, Carlisle outlines his career achievements and contributions to the field of robotics, including his involvement with Vicarm and Unimation, and the creation of Adept Technology and Precise Automation. Reflecting on the business standards of the robotics industry, he discusses the change in robotics over the years, as well as the field’s future challenges and developments.
In this interview, Allison Okamura discusses her work in robotics, focusing on manipulation, planning, and sensory feedback and haptics. Describing her time with Immersion and at Johns Hopkins and Stanford, she outlines her involvement with robotics projects, such as Da Vinci Surgical System and the snake robot, and the innovations and successes of her work. Additionally, she describes her involvement in the robotics community, the role of women in robotics, and the challenges and potential of the field.
In this interview, Daniel Lee discusses his career in robotics, focusing on his research at Bell Labs and UPenn’s GRASP Lab. Describing his work on machine learning algorithms and in robotics projects, such as the robot dog and the DARPA Urban Challenge, he comments on the challenges of the field and his research. Reflecting on the evolution of the GRASP Lab and of the field of robotics, he comments on its potential and future.
In this oral history, Larry Matthies covers his professional life in the field of Computer Robotics, taking us through his collegiate education and his career in robotics research, specifically his work with computer vision. Matthies offers his personal insight on the various projects he has collaborated on as well, from working for DARPA to NASA and his experience with the NASA Mars Rover project, for which he dedicated most of his career to. Matthies also touches upon his move back to academia and his thoughts on the future of the field of computer robotics.
In this interview, Jean Paul Laumond discusses his movement from mathematics to robotics and his career contributions to the field, especially in regards to motion planning and anthropomorphic motion. Describing his involvement at CNRS and in other robotics projects, such as HILARE, he comments on the distinction in perception between the robotics approach and a mathematics one.
In this interview, Atkeson talks about his research projects, how he became involved with robotics, his collaboration with international partners, and mentoring students. Atkeson concludes this interview by giving advice not only for students interested in the robotics field but also for other students who are still deciding their future.
In this interview, Rolf Pfeifer discusses his work in robotics, focusing on artificial intelligence and locomotion. Describing the influence of human psychology and intelligence on his research, he outlines his early work with cognitive robots and AI and his later work in bio-robotics. He discusses the challenges and breakthroughs of his work and of bio-robotics as a whole, as well as the evolution of robotics throughout his career and its future applications and goals.
In this interview, Matt Mason discusses his career in robotics, in particular in compliant motion, force control, and fine motion planning. Outlining his involvement in projects at IBM, MIT, and Carnegie Mellon, he provides insight into the state and evolution of robotics at the time. Describing his current work on manipulation and robotic hands, he comments on the future of robotics at CMU and of the field as a whole.
Rüdiger Dillmann received his Ph. D. from University of Karlsruhe in 1980. Since 1987 he has been Professor of the Department of Computer Science and is Director of the Research Lab Humanoids and Intelligence Systems at KIT.
In this interview, Kokotovic outlines his work and experiences throughout his time in Belgrade, Moscow, and the United States. He also goes into detail on his experiences working in Eastern Europe during the Cold War.
In this interview, Alami discusses his original experiences with robotics under George Giralt at LAAS, the development of his interest in robot collaboration, and finally his work on human-robot interaction. Alami also provides insight into the challenges of robotics and the future of the industry.
In this interview, Brad Nelson discusses his career in robotics, focusing on control, manipulation, micro-positioning, and micro/nanorobotics. Describing his research at CMU, the University of Illinois, Minnesota, and ETH, he discusses the challenges of his work and the interactions between scientific disciplines. Commenting on the evolution of robotics and micro/nanorobotics, he goes on to discuss his various work environments, the state of Switzerland’s funding, and the future of the robotics.
In this interview, Choset recounts his career in robotics and his contributions to the field. He describes his early interest in motion which led him to study robotics, and his early collaborations with Ruzena Bajcsy and Joel Burdick which helped guide his career. He speaks about his research at Carnegie Mellon, especially his work on medical robots, his contribution to the development of the snake robot, and his various industrial and student collaborations, and the practical applications that arose from it. Additionally, he reflects on the evolution of the field of medical robotics, and provides advice to young people interested in the field.
In this interview, Bruyninckx recounts his career and his contributions to the field of robotics. He discusses past projects and the challenges that roboticists faced and will face. He reflects on the future of the field and its applications, and provides advice for young people interested in robotics, stressing the importance of a broad, multidisciplinary scientific education.
In this interview, Arbib discusses his interdisciplinary career in theoretical neuroscience and computer science, and the influence of the field of robotics. He reflects on the evolution of the field, as well as the future challenges it may face. Additionally, he provides advice to young people interested in robotics.
In this interview, Bolles provides a general analysis of his work in robotics and computer vision. He goes into specific detail on certain programs at SRI International, such as the ARM project, his work on RANSAC, and the future of the field.
In this interview, Goldberg discusses the development of his work in robotics and automation, his contributions to the IEEE, and the future of his research.
In this interview, Craig discusses his early interest in robotics and his contributions and achievements throughout his career. Additionally, he reflects on the changes in, and future challenges of, the field of robotics.
In this interview, Kosecka talks about her education, evolution of her research interests, her doctoral dissertation thesis, her time as a postdoctoral researcher, collaboration with different colleagues and students, her involvement with the IEEE Robotics and Automation Society, and women in robotics. In addition, Kosecka gives advice to young people who are interested in a career in robotics.
This oral history covers aspects of the education and career of Kazuhiro Kosuge, detailing his professional life, starting with his university education and introduction to robotics, and continuing on to his career in the robotics field. Kosuge also touches upon his life in academia and working in research for many years before becoming a professor at Nagoya University, and later Tohoku. Also included is his personal reflection on his experience with the Dancer project, along with many other notable achievements throughout his extensive career. In addition, Kosuge offers his thoughts on the development of the robotics field and future milestones and leaves advice for newcomers who will continue the growth of robotics.
In this interview, Oussama Khatib discusses his career in robotics, focusing on robot control and motion planning. Describing his work and research, he outlines his time at Stanford University and his involvement in several robotics projects, including the Stanford Robotics Platforms—Romeo and Juliet. Discussing the evolution and challenges of his work, he describes his move towards humanoid robotics and his involvement with robotics societies and activities, as well as provides advice for young people interested in a career in robotics.
In this interview, McCarthy discusses his career in computer science and his contributions to the field of Artificial Intelligence. He outlines his assignments and research projects at Dartmouth, Princeton, Stanford, and MIT. Additionally, he reflects on the various collaborations and interactions throughout his career, the relationship between AI and Robotics, and the challenges of the field, as well as provides advice for young people interested in artificial intelligence and robotics.
In this interview, Dario outlines his education and introduction to robotics, and his contributions to the field, as well as his involvement in creating the early robotics community. He discusses his influence on robotics, such as founding the Advanced Robotics Technologies and Systems (ARTS) Laboratory and his involvement with the Center for the Research in Microengineering (CRIM), and his connections and collaborations with other roboticists. Finally, he discusses the future of robotics and mechatronics, and reflects on the challenges and changes the field has undergone over time. Additionally, Dario provides advice for young people interested in robotics.
In this interview, Dickmanns discusses his interest and involvement with the field of robotics, especially in computer vision, control design, and autonomously driving vehicles. He outlines the theories and structures behind his research projects, the challenges he faced in developing them, and the final results and applications produced. Additionally, he reflects on his career influences, his contribution to the field, and the evolution of robotics over the past few decades and projected into the future.
In this interview, Fong discusses his involvement in and contributions to the field of robotics. He recounts his time at MIT, Carnegie Mellon, and NASA Ames, and the research work and projects he completed. He reviews his various robotics collaborations, his involvement with Fourth Planet, Inc. and as director of the robotics group, and his contributions to virtual reality interfaces and Human-Robot Interaction research. Additionally, he reflects on the evolution and challenges of robotics and provides advice to young people interested in the field.
Richard D. (Dick) Klafter, one of the early leaders in the field of robotics and automation and the IEEE Robotics and Automation Society, was born on 5 August 1936 and died 11 November 2019. He received an undergraduate degree at MIT, two graduate degrees from Columbia University, and a Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering from the City University of New York (1969).
Brian Gerkey is co-founder and CEO of Open Robotics, which drives the development and adoption of open software and hardware for robotics. Prior to Open Robotics, Brian was a postdoc in the Stanford AI Lab, a Computer Scientist in the SRI AI Center, and Director of Open Source Development at Willow Garage.
In this interview, Kaneko outlines his progression throughout robotics and his contributions to various projects, such as the walking robot and the multi-fingered hand. He discusses his experiments with the hand, and the influences drawn upon by his work. Finally, he provides insight into the future direction of his research, and comments on the future applications of robotics.
In this interview, Corke discusses his career in the field of robotics. He recounts his research work during his college and graduate years, at CSIRO, and at Queensland University. He discusses his contributions to the field, particularly his visual control textbook, his work on mining and field robots, and on sensor networks, his research in visual servoing, and his contribution to the development of open source toolboxes. Additionally, he provides advice to young people interested in robotics, and reflects on his many collaborations, and the challenges and future of the field.
An Interview Conducted by Peter Asaro, IEEE History Center, 12 November 2010 Interview # 665 for Indiana University and the IEEE History Center, The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc.
In this interview, Arkin discusses how he became interested in robotics, his early work with robot navigation, his volunteer positions within the IEEE, and his most popular research on robot ethics. Not only does Arkin outline the applications of robot ethics and robot deception, he also describes the funding of his research and its coverage by the media.
In this interview, Chatila discusses his early interest in scientific research and outlines his research and accomplishments throughout his career, such as his involvement with the development of SLAM and with CNRS. Additionally, he explores the difficulties that the field presented him, as well as his unique insights into the issues of robotics. He reflects on the future challenges of the field, and provides advice to young people interested in the field of robotics.
In this interview, Hollerbach discusses his pursuit of, and career in, robotics. Outlining his career at the AI Lab, he describes the research environment, and the interactions and collaborations of fellow researchers. Reflecting on the evolution of robotics and his involvement in the Year of the Robot and other robotics projects, he later comments on the current state and challenges of robotics and its future development and applications.
In this interview, Mondada discusses the broad nature of his developing research in the field of mobile robotics. He also provides specific detail on the founding of K-Team, his many collaborations, and the role of robotics in society.
In this interview, Nilsson discusses his opinions on, and experiences with, artificial intelligence. He goes into detail on the successes and failures of AI, and how these may translate to the future of the field.
In this interview, Hollis reflects on his early interest in robotics and his contributions to the field. Outlining the accomplishments throughout his career, he recounts the development of various robot projects, such as the Alpha- and Beta-Newt robot and Minifactory, and robotic technologies, especially haptics and precision systems. Additionally, he provides advice to young people interested in a career in the field of robotics.
In this interview, Arai discusses his lengthy career in the field of robotics, focusing on his involvement and contributions at the Mechanical Engineering Lab and at Osaka University. Outlining various robotics projects, he comments on the challenges of the field and provides advice for young people interested in robotics as a career.
In this interview, Illah Nourbakhsh discusses his work in robotics, focusing on artificial intelligence and planning, and the challenges and future of the field. Describing his involvement in projects, such as the Book Store Project and the automated highway system project, he outlines the state of robotics at Stanford, the start of his company (Blue Pumpkin Software), and his arrival and work at Carnegie Mellon. Additionally he discusses his work on educational projects, such as the Dinosaur Hall, and at NASA, and comments on the potential for robotics in education and space exploration.
In this interview, Bobrow discusses his career in robotics from college to UCI. He reflects on his work in manipulation, rehabilitation robotics, and design optimization and muses the success, failures, and future challenges of the field of robotics. Additionally, he provides advice for young people interested in the field.
In this interview, Bob McGhee discusses his career in robotics, in particular his work on guided missiles, walking robots, and unmanned submarines. Describing his work on robotics projects, such as the phony pony and the bionic bug, he emphasizes the animal and human influence. Discussing the fallibility of robots, he describes the research and work being done at the time, as well as comments on the change in the perception of robotics and the evolution of the field.
In this interview, Max Mintz discusses his career in robotics, focusing on control theory and decision-making under uncertainty. Describing his time at the CSL and the GRASP Lab, he outlines the influences and challenges of his work. Reflecting on the evolution of robotics, he comments on the outstanding problems of the field and its relationship with other disciplines.
In this interview, Caplan discusses his lengthy career in the field of robotics. He recounts his contributions to the industry, and his involvement with the NSF, IARP, and IEEE Robotics and Automation Society. He reflects on the evolution of US robotics research, and the challenges and successes roboticists face. Additionally, he provides advice to young people interested in the field, stressing the importance of passion, education, and collaboration.
Radhika Nagpal is the Fred Kavli Professor of Computer Science, School of Engineering and Applied Sciences, Wyss Institute for Biologically Inspired Engineering, Harvard University.
In this interview, George Pappas discusses his work in robotics, in particular his work at RPI, UC Berkeley, and Penn. He describes the environment of his education and workplaces, and the various collaborations and influences he experienced, as well as the problems and projects he researched. Additionally he reflects on the evolution of robotics throughout his career, its future applications and challenges, and impact on society.
Vijay Kumar was born in Patna, India in 1962. Dr. Kumar received his Bachelor of Technology degree from the Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur and his Ph.D. from The Ohio State University in 1987.
In this interview, Oh discusses his interest and career in robotics, in particular the HUBO project. Outlining his involvement with various robotics projects, he goes on to describe the state of robotics in Korea and its future development and applications. Additionally he provides advice for young people interested in a career in robotics.
In this interview, Asada discusses his interest in with robots and robotic interactions. He outlines his research in image processing as it relates to robotics and automation, as well as on robotic behaviors, robot-environment and robot-human interactions, and machine learning. He reflects on his involvement with the development of the RoboCup program, and on his own accomplishments and those of his previous students. Additionally, he reflects on future research endeavors and the future potential of the field of robotics, and provides advice for those who wish to pursue it.
In this interview, Jean-Daniel Nicoud discusses his career in robotics and at Lausanne and DIDEL. Describing the state of roboics at EPFL, he reflects on the evolution of the field and his research work. Moving from academia to form a private company (DIDEL), he outlines its motivations and influences, as well as the challenges and potential of robotics applications.
In this interview, Daniel discusses his lengthy career in the field of robotics research. He reflects on his contributions to the field through his various projects and collaborations in industry and at universities, and the founding of his company. Additionally, he discusses the evolution of the field through the years and the challenges it will face, as well as provides advice to young people interested in robotics.
In this interview, Parker discusses her early life and how she became interested in robotics and artificial intelligence. She also discusses the various projects she has worked on, her main work creating robots that can work with people, where the robot can infer what to do without human command. She also talks about the barriers young women face going into IT fields and what they can do to get into the field and succeed.
In this interview, Richard Murray discusses his career in robotics, in particular his work on manipulation and grasping, non-holonomic motion planning, and locomotion. He describes the state of robotics at CalTech and his contribution to robotics projects there, as well as the challenges of his research. Moving into work with UAV/UAS, he outlines his involvement with the Grand Challenge and his eventual involvement with bio-molecular feedback. Additionally he comments on human-robot interaction and the challenges and problems facing robotics.