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Ken Goldberg
In this interview, Goldberg discusses the development of his work in robotics and automation, his contributions to the IEEE, and the future of his research.
John Craig
In this interview, Craig discusses his early interest in robotics and his contributions and achievements throughout his career. Additionally, he reflects on the changes in, and future challenges of, the field of robotics.
Francesco Mondada
In this interview, Mondada discusses the broad nature of his developing research in the field of mobile robotics. He also provides specific detail on the founding of K-Team, his many collaborations, and the role of robotics in society.
Hirochika Inoue
In this interview, Inoue discusses his career in the field of robotics, focusing on his graduate research and his work at the ETL and the University of Tokyo. Recounting his early interest in engineering and robotics, he outlines his involvement in several robotics projects, including development of a robot arm and intelligent robots. He comments on the state of robotics labs and funding in Japan and in America, reflects on the challenges of robotics, and provides advice to young people interested in the field.
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