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Brian Carlisle
In this interview, Carlisle outlines his career achievements and contributions to the field of robotics, including his involvement with Vicarm and Unimation, and the creation of Adept Technology and Precise Automation. Reflecting on the business standards of the robotics industry, he discusses the change in robotics over the years, as well as the field’s future challenges and developments.
John Hollerbach
In this interview, Hollerbach discusses his pursuit of, and career in, robotics. Outlining his career at the AI Lab, he describes the research environment, and the interactions and collaborations of fellow researchers. Reflecting on the evolution of robotics and his involvement in the Year of the Robot and other robotics projects, he later comments on the current state and challenges of robotics and its future development and applications.
Ronald Arkin
In this interview, Arkin discusses how he became interested in robotics, his early work with robot navigation, his volunteer positions within the IEEE, and his most popular research on robot ethics. Not only does Arkin outline the applications of robot ethics and robot deception, he also describes the funding of his research and its coverage by the media.
Sara Kiesler
In this interview, Kiseler discusses her career in robotics, focusing on anthropomorphic robots, human-robot interaction, and cognitive and social design. Describing her involvement with projects such as Pearl, she goes on to describe her involvement in organizing and developing the HRI conferences. She reflects on her transition from social psychology and computer interaction to human-robot interaction, and comments on its relationship to human psychology and its future development.
Francesco Mondada
In this interview, Mondada discusses the broad nature of his developing research in the field of mobile robotics. He also provides specific detail on the founding of K-Team, his many collaborations, and the role of robotics in society.
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