Jean-Daniel Nicoud


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Lynne Parker
In this interview, Parker discusses her early life and how she became interested in robotics and artificial intelligence. She also discusses the various projects she has worked on, her main work creating robots that can work with people, where the robot can infer what to do without human command. She also talks about the barriers young women face going into IT fields and what they can do to get into the field and succeed.
Alicia Casals
In this interview, Casals discusses her past and current work, her interest in integrating robots with humans, and her collaboration with companies and other non-academic institutions, and the challenges that come with it. She also gives advice to prospective students who are interested in the robotics field and her efforts in recruiting more women to the field of robotics.
Minoru Asada
In this interview, Asada discusses his interest in with robots and robotic interactions. He outlines his research in image processing as it relates to robotics and automation, as well as on robotic behaviors, robot-environment and robot-human interactions, and machine learning. He reflects on his involvement with the development of the RoboCup program, and on his own accomplishments and those of his previous students. Additionally, he reflects on future research endeavors and the future potential of the field of robotics, and provides advice for those who wish to pursue it.
Ken Goldberg
In this interview, Goldberg discusses the development of his work in robotics and automation, his contributions to the IEEE, and the future of his research.
John McCarthy
In this interview, McCarthy discusses his career in computer science and his contributions to the field of Artificial Intelligence. He outlines his assignments and research projects at Dartmouth, Princeton, Stanford, and MIT. Additionally, he reflects on the various collaborations and interactions throughout his career, the relationship between AI and Robotics, and the challenges of the field, as well as provides advice for young people interested in artificial intelligence and robotics.
Robert Ambrose
In this interview, Ambrose discusses his Ph.D. work and NASA projects, focusing on his developments in the field of human-robot cooperation. He also briefly discusses his initial interest in engineering and the future of robotics.
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