Posted inAutomation Robots United States of America Red Whittaker Tags: automation, Design Automation, robots Carnegie Mellon University, PA United States Research Areas Automation, Design Automation, Robots Biography Red Whittaker…
Posted inAutomation E - H H Shigeo Hirose Tags: automation, Biomimetics, Cellular and Modular Robots, Cooperating Robots, Demining Systems, Field Robots, Gripping and Other End-Effectors, Industrial Robots, Localization, Marine Robots, Motion and Path Planning, Redundant Robots, robot programming, Robotics in Hazardous Fields, robots, Search and Rescue Robots, Space Robotics and Automation, Surveillance Systems CEO, CTO HiBot Corp. Professor Emeritus of Tokyo Institute of Technology Japan Research Areas Automation,…
Posted inAutomation E - H H Ralph Hollis Tags: automation, Mechatronics, robots Carnegie Mellon University, PA United States Research Areas Automation, Mechatronics, Robots Biography Ralph Hollis was…
Posted inAutomation Computing and Electronics E - H Ken Goldberg Tags: automation, Computing and Electronics, goldberg, ken Research Areas Automation, Computing and Electronics Biography Ken Goldberg grew up in Bethlehem, Pennsylvania. He…
Posted inA - D Automation Automation Applications John Craig Tags: automation, Automation Applications, Control Design & Engineering, humanoid robots, robot programming Stanford University, CA United States Research Areas Automation, Automation Applications, Control Design & Engineering, Robot…
Posted inA - D Automation Bioengineering Norm Caplan Tags: automation, Bioengineering, Communications, Computing and Electronics, Control Systems, robots National Science Foundation (NSF), VA United States Research Areas Automation, Bioengineering, Communications, Computing and Electronics,…
Posted inA - D Automation Automation Applications Raja Chatila Tags: automation, Automation Applications, Control Design & Engineering, Human-computer Interaction, image processing, Machine Intelligence, machine learning, robot programming LAAS-CNRS, Toulouse France Research Areas Automation, Automation Applications, Control Design & Engineering, Human-computer Interaction, Image…
Posted inA - D Automation B George Bekey Tags: automation, robots University of Southern California, CA United States Research Areas Automation, Robots Biography George Bekey was…
Posted inA - D Automation Computer Science Ernst Dickmanns Tags: automation, computer science, Control Systems, dickmanns, ernst, Machine Intelligence, machine vision, robot programming, robots, Sensors, Sensors systems and applications Bundeswehr University, Munich Germany Research Areas Automation, Computer Science, Control Systems, Machine Intelligence, Machine Vision,…